Forests of the World Articles
Read in-depth articles written in collaboration with passionate experts, who take you deep into the complexities of topics such as climate change, biodiversity, indigenous peoples, and political challenges in the forest and climate sectors.
These articles also bring you close to the secrets of the forest, offering inspiring portraits of the enthusiasts fighting for the future of our forests.
You will also find information on the latest nature projects, tips for more sustainable living, and ways you can contribute to preserving our planet for future generations.
And of course, you can delve even deeper into these topics with stunning photo features in our magazine Skov & Folk or by exploring our detailed reports and publications.
Read Our Magazine Skov & Folk
Our magasin is published in Danish only
Read Our Selection of Translated Articles
Read Our Magazine Skov & Folk (Danish only)
Our Key Issues
Our forest initiatives around the world are directly linked to our chosen key issues.
Preservation of rainforests around the world and establishing more wild nature in Danish forests.
The biological diversity of forests must be preserved.
Climate Crisis
Deforestation is a large part of global warming.
Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Peoples and local communities living in and around the forests.
Nature must be a political priority both globally, in the EU and in Denmark.